I’ve had 62 years experience of life and over 35 years experience as a professional homeopath. And I’m still here and pretty healthy! Hopefully this gives me a little insight into things that work and things that don’t work.
Oh yes, believe me, I’m no paragon of virtue. I snack too much, maybe a little overweight, could exercise a little more.
But the health I’m talking about starts in that large grey organ in your head.
Here are 5 core habits to cultivate!
Yes, you are allowed to be selfish and you should be. This doesn’t mean becoming a sociopathic monster. But staying in touch with what YOU want, your OWN desires, YOUR needs is so important. We are trained by our culture to think of others first but in fact it’s the other way round. Think of it like the instruction they give you on an airplane about fixing your own oxygen mask first before helping others.
This is one of the biggest energy drains. We all do it of course. But next time you find yourself doing that notice how your energy feels. It is really none of our business how someone else feels about who you are or what you are doing. It’s your life. Now own it and stop worrying about what others think.
Fear and anxiety demagnetise you. When we worry we think we are helping to bring what we want closer to us, but it is the complete opposite. Often the fear and anxiety is worse than the thing we are worrying about. Fear and anxiety are corrosive and eat away at our self belief and confidence. They also can affect our immunity, making us more prone to disease. So just STOP IT!
Bottle up resentment also affects our health. Long held resentment can affect our heart , joints and lungs. Either find a way to release anger through intense exercise, beating a pillow or talk it through with someone. Just try not to hold onto it. In fact anger is another emotion we are sometimes ashamed of but it has a lot of energy associated with it (much more than fear) and once we can tap into it anger can serve us positively.
You are allowed to ask for help. But certainly where health professionals are concerned make sure you don't put them on a pedestal. Studies show that you are more likely to benefit if you use your health professional as a partner and not as a priest. Sometime we hand over our power to health professionals, but only you know what you truly need, so take what you need but be in charge of your own life and make your own decisions.
Yes, all you need is love as the Beatles once sang. Find something to love… a partner, a child, a kitten, birdsong, a new sunny day, drinks with friends. Have you noticed how you suppress your love feelings? I noticed recently how I control my feelings, afraid to really express my love. Telling someone you love them is so health enhancing. Stiff upper lip and stoicism has no place in a healthy attitude.
You can have a FREE NO OBLIGATION DISCOVERY SESSION with me, Jonathan Stallick RSHom to find out if homeopathy might be what you need. Just click here: https://jonathanstallickhomeopathy.as.me/Intro
