CANDIDA: An Intractable Problem?
Candida is a common, often seemingly intractable, problem. Candida albicans is a normal inhabitant of the lower bowel and it is usually kept under control by the high pH values which are maintained by lactobacilli, another of the bowel's inhabitants. Antibiotics are one class of drug which can upset the balance of the bowel flora by killing lactobacilli. This then allows the entry of other morbific bacteria thus reducing the pH value and providing the right conditions for the proliferation of yeasts, moulds and viruses, the most common of which is Candida albicans which can spread throughout the gastro-intestinal tract. However, Candida albicans can be found in other moist habitats including the skin and mucous membranes.
Dr Orion Truss; from Alabama, USA was the first to recognise the symptom picture of candidiasis and demonstrated that the spores of intestinal candida could enter the blood stream and cause 'partial paralysis of the immune system'.
Truss’s findings were varied but of particular interest was his finding that red blood cells lost theirelasticity in the presence of Candida. He also noticed a distinct reduction in available potassium & phosphorus in blood infected with Candida. The combined effect of these is to restrict blood supply, particularly oxygen and nutrients, to vital organs with fine capilliaries such as the brain.
Truss recognised the symptoms of emotional instability, poor concentration, defective memory, vertigo, headaches and depression as being directly related to brain function, and referred to them

as 'brain symptoms' as opposed to mental or 'neurotic symptoms'. The most common symptom picture of systemic candidiasis includes:
MindConcentration; Difficult
Memory; Weakness Of
Confidence. Loss Of; Self, In, In Hysteria
HeadVertigo, headaches esp. in temples and migraines
StomachDesires; Sugar
AbdomenDistension; Gas, By; Menses, Before
Eating, After
Hypochondria; Pain; Right Side
Pain; Flatulent Colic; Hypogastrium
Duodenum; Catarrhal Inflammation; Gurgling
Liver; Congestion
FemaleVagina; Itching
Skineczema, urticarial, psoriasis, hormonal-related skin disease
More than 90% of immunosuppressed patients respond favourably to homeopathic candida treatment (either constitutionally or therapeutically). Those that do not have usually failed to follow the strict sugar-free diet which accompanies the treatment.
Patients return after 2-3 weeks for a second consultation with a marked improvement in emotional and physical well-being, and almost complete loss of sugar craving. Overall, they 'feel better in themselves', more stable emotionally, with an increased energy level, improved appetite without bloating, and often a reduction in weight.
Use of the Candida Albicans; nosode can be important for a successful resolution. Higher homeopathic potencies of 1M, 5M, 10M etc. may be more useful and less prone to aggravation than lower potencies. These can be taken daily.
A liver-stimulating remedy, taken three times daily before meals, can be added to the prescription with even better results, particularly in the reduction ofbloating, nausea ;and energy level. Chelidonium, used as a drainage remedy in 6X potency can beused but sometimes Lycopodium 30 gives a betterresponse.
Drinking wine or eating sugar-rich foods is best avoided during the treatment; however when the treatment is completed a normal diet can be resumed.
Thyreostimuline and Carbo Vegetabilis in low (6c) potencies can help improve energy levels & digestion problems.
Use of the birth control pill can aggravate candida proliferation and remedies like Folliculinum or other hormonal remedies can be useful in these cases.
Overly strict diets are often counterproductive. However, sugar must be avoided absolutely, and the following restrictions have proved adequate:
100% avoidance:
All forms of sugar, including glucose, fructose, honey, soft fruits, fruit juices, dried fruit, sweets, cakes, biscuits, jams, marmalade, refined carbohydrates, soft drinks. Alcohol, particularly beer & wine, vegemite (marmite), mushrooms, canned foods. Antibiotics, cortisones, birth control pills.
Partial avoidance:
Fried foods, fats, colourings, hard cheeses, smoked meats, vegetable juices.
Homeopath Marco Riefer has spent the last 20 years investigating the deeper themes of homeopathic Candida Albicans and if these are found in the patient one can expect an even deeper healing. He found some overlapping themes from the general fungi group of remedies such as:
• feeling out of control, parasitic themes, and sensations of burrowing, excoriating, eroding, digging.
And specific to Candida:
• Overload/overwhelm. Too many demands, expectations, impressions (noise and smells).
• Constantly busy without being able to relax or finish things off. Feeling driven.
• Anger, suppressed anger. Frayed nerves, screaming at children or partner
• Forgetfulness and poor concentration
• Exhuastion/burnout
• Confusion, mixed up, lack of clarity
• Overstepping boundaries and invasion. Parasitic relationships (one lives at the expense of the other. People who are dominated or repressed. Often accompanied by emotional dependency such that patients have to “give” or shoulder far more than is appropriate. Feels unable to defend themselves and helplessly subject to will of other person. Cf. homeopathic TanacetumParthenium (feverfew), Oxalicums, Oxydatums
• In some cases psychological or physical violence